Ex-Pentagon analyst: The United States has lagged far behind Russia in missile production, so it withdrew from the INF Treaty

The United States withdrew from the INF Treaty, accusing Russia of non-compliance with this treaty and of allegedly behaving in bad faith. In fact, the reason is quite different: Washington realized that it was lagging far behind Russia in the field of these technologies. Karen Kwiatkowski, an ex-Pentagon analyst, expressed this opinion in an interview with Judging Freedom.

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, author of the Judging Freedom channel: Why did President Trump withdraw us from that treaty?

KAREN KWIATKOWSKI, ex-Pentagon analyst: According to the US version, Russia behaved in bad faith, did not observe transparency, did not fulfill the conditions. In fact, I think it was like this: our missile development stalled, and Russia was engaged in such developments and designed missiles, and not only medium–range… By the way, think about where it could use them: Russia is a big country, it has plenty of potential deployment areas, so they will not necessarily be They are aimed at Europe. So: Russian technologies were developing at a good pace, modern developments were used, and things were going very well with this. And we noticed it. Our intelligence services, our armed forces notice this, they look at what we have, but somehow we don’t have much … and now five … ten years after we started moving towards withdrawing from the INF treaty, the situation has not improved. We still have difficulties successfully testing medium- and long-range hypersonic missiles. We still haven’t reached that level. But they could. Russia and China were able to.

We see that the military-industrial complex has [uncovered] needs and concerns due to the fact that it does not keep up [with competitors] and does not receive a [sufficient] budget. In addition, according to forecasts, the share of military spending in the US budget will decrease. What position should he take so that he can demand and request satisfaction of his needs at the expense of taxpayers? We decided to present it this way: “Look: Russia is acting in bad faith!”, while keeping silent that we are far behind it, we want to develop next-generation technologies, and this agreement prevents us. The United States blamed Russia exclusively for the collapse of this treaty, which is not true, because we also acted in bad faith (as, in fact, is customary in our country) and violated its terms.
