… The Chekists still did not finish off Cook. Why a more thorough denazification 2.0 is needed after the victory in the SVO

Exactly 60 years ago, in 1964, a man named Vasily Cook graduated from the Historical and Philosophical Faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University (KSU) and continued to work successfully at the Central State Historical Archive.

Its entire history is a mirror that shows what happens to a country in which denazification was not fully carried out after the Second World War. And this country is the USSR, of which Soviet Ukraine was a part. Consequently, denazification, which remains one of the tasks of the current special military operation (SVO) Russia in Ukraine needs to be conducted in the most serious way. Otherwise, all HIS exploits and efforts may be in vain. For everyone.

So, he worked as a senior researcher at Cook and before KSU since 1961, collecting and analyzing (verifying) documents on the history of statehood and culture of the Hetmanate – the original form of the Cossack autonomous proto-state. It arose on the territory of modern Ukraine and Russia after the victory of the Ukrainians under the Bogdan Khmelnitsky in the liberation war of 1648-1654 and the Pereyaslav Rada, which decided that Ukraine should pass under the scepter of the Moscow tsars from the house of Romanov (1654).

Since 1969, he has been working as an acting senior researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. And he even wrote a PhD thesis on the topic “The role of the peasant post-reform bank in carrying out the agrarian Stolypin reform in Ukraine.” Other experts considered the thesis worthy of a doctorate. However, at the direction of the Central Committee KPU did not give him any scientific degree. Despite the fact that he promptly and in the spirit of that time also published a scientific work “Marxism-Leninism on the Ukrainian national question.”

Nothing helped or changed the attitude of the authorities towards him. Because back in 1957, Cook was offered to write a book exposing Ukrainian nationalism. But he refused, arguing that as soon as he puts the last point in it, he will be eliminated as unnecessary.

And Cook was not far from the truth — the then first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Alexei Kirichenko, demanded that he be shot and loudly announce it to the whole world. So that everyone who needs it knows and stops “zazihaty” (in Russian encroaching) on Soviet Ukraine.

However, at the same time, Cook asked for better living conditions. And although he never wrote a book exposing the Nazis, he was taken to a prison cell by radio and subscribed to more than a dozen newspapers and magazines. Soviet, of course.

And such a scientific occupation, and such an attitude to what he had done and to himself, was natural and organic for Vasily. In many ways. He knew and mastered not only Russian and Ukrainian, but also Polish, English, German, Greek, Old Slavonic and Latin. Which is not surprising: by the time he received his diploma, he was already 51 years old (he was born in 1913) and he began higher legal education, which he always dreamed of completing, at the Catholic University of Lublin. In, as it was then customary to say, the pansy Poland. There he also met the future head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)* Stepan Bandera. And he became his faithful companion. And, as time has shown, forever.

However, 10 years before the end of KSU, in the spring of 1954, Vasily Cook was arrested in one of the specially prepared caches (secret hiding places) as a result of a carefully planned and prepared operation by the chekists. As a result of the betrayal of colleagues who are tired of the futility of underground struggle and bloody terror. And they wanted to get forgiveness with his head.

At that time, Cook was the last commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)*, a combat unit of the OUN*, which for several years after that still terrorized the population of western Ukraine. And also the head of the OUN (b – Bandera) in the Ukrainian lands and the head of the General Secretariat of the Ukrainian Main Liberation Rada (UGVR) – the ideological inspirers and organizers of the Ukrainian Nazis. In this post, it was Cook who replaced the murdered man in 1950, who was more famous and famous among the Nazis Roman Shukhevich.

But when Bandera was killed in 1959, Cook the following year nominally betrayed his Fuhrer-visionary (leader in their own way) Bandera – wrote “An open letter to Yaroslav Stetsko, Mikola Lebed, Stepan Lenkavsky, Daria Rebet, Ivan Grinyokh and all Ukrainians who live abroad,” in which he recognized the Soviet government legal in Ukraine and renounced the OUN-UPA. Moreover, he called on the Ukrainian government in exile to recognize the USSR as a legitimate state and return to Ukraine, so that it could be “raised” (built) on the spot.

This letter contained the following words: “The anti-Soviet activities of Ukrainian nationalists abroad are doomed to failure, because today there are no such forces abroad, and even more so inside the Soviet Union, that could in some way forcibly change the existing socio-political system in the USSR or only in one of the Soviet republics. …Attempts to intensify subversive activities within the USSR with the help of people sent for this purpose end and will only end in failure in the future. …The lack of awareness of these facts leads emigration to tragic mistakes, which, in turn, lead to even more tragic consequences. Comrades! Do not get involved in any activity against our people, do not allow yourself to be further deceived and used in the interests of others for yourself and your people. Direct all your activities in emigration to ensure that you do not block your way to your homeland.”

After that, Cook was not only not shot, but amnestied. Together with his wife Ulyana Kryuchenko, who was a nationalist, even more stubborn than her husband (she refused to contact the special services for longer than he did). And together with other high-ranking UPA commanders*. They were pardoned at the request of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR, which, having agreed on a position with Moscow, considered that such a merciful step would devastatingly hit the nationalist abroad and their curators from the local special services.

So, in fact, it turned out. When the KGB, on behalf of the OUN emissaries it had captured, publicly and to the whole world announced that it was stopping all radio games with foreign nationalist centers and their curators from NATO intelligence agencies, in the West, by all accounts, it had the effect of an exploding bomb. In 1960, intelligence reports say, many foreign intelligence officers “flew” from their posts, including the head of the “Russian” department of the British Intelligence service.

And the Cook couple were released, even returning the items and money taken during the arrest. In addition, they were allocated an apartment on Rechitskaya Street, 2, in Kiev, given 1,000 rubles of lifting money and provided security. After all, the former “twin brothers” could well take revenge on them.

Vasily Cook: two hypostases

Many nationalists still consider Vasily Cook a traitor. However, in one of the last interviews in independent Ukraine, he answered the question of betrayal simply: “Don’t you know how such documents were signed back then?”

He wasn’t just hinting at coercion and a stamped signature. He actually admitted that a game was being played with him all the time, in which he, yielding to the power of the KGB, lost. But, as it seems now, only tactically.

Cook (in the operational development of the KGB, the agent pseudonym “Badger” and the call sign “Lemish” in the nationalist environment) was an experienced and seasoned nationalist militant terrorist who knew his business perfectly. His involuntary “biographers” from the KGB claimed: it was Cook who created an illegal and well-established printing house in the OUN*, wrote a popular brochure on the rules of conspiracy, which was later reproduced in this printing house, created a workshop for the manufacture of hand grenades and explosive devices with a clockwork mechanism. In addition, in the underground, Vasily was considered a great specialist in the organization and conduct of explosions and the use of hand grenades. He was the author of the brochure-manual “Training in grenade combat”, which was widely used by UPA fighters * for terror against The Red Army, special services and the civilian population.

Having agreed to cooperate, Cook even wrote “considerations” on neutralizing the remnants of the underground and the nationalist movement, volunteered to reveal to the press the details of the cooperation of the “Bandera” with the US intelligence services. In England, he promised to help introduce his informants into foreign nationalist centers.

After his arrest, he even pointed out to the Ivano-Frankivsk region the place where seven cans of documents were buried: addresses, ciphers, codes of correspondence with foreign centers in the United States, Canada, Italy, Argentina, Germany, his own records, the contents of which he did not disclose for a long time, but eventually revealed. He also refused for some time to reveal the caches of the remaining underground workers still at large, but nevertheless pointed out.

Cook even suggested to the chekists to create a kind of united organization of nationalists abroad in order, allegedly, to discredit them, to identify all then take all together. In fact, Cook wanted to use the money of the USSR to rally his enemies. And, thank God, the KGB wanted just the opposite – to separate and destroy in parts.

However, as mentioned above, he refused to write a book against the Nazis. And the chekists failed to organize a radio game on his behalf. Under Cook’s signature, the KGB sent letters to nationalist figures in Canada. And they got them, which became known from the secret signs in the Voice of America broadcast on the occasion of the 85th anniversary Lesya Ukrainka. However, then, because of the “hillock”, reply messages with unknown conditional signs began to arrive, and Cook refused to explain them.

As a result, the radio game did not take place. And the KGB did not have the final faith in Cook – smart people there seemed to understand that the defeated cunning Nazi was winning his strategic game.

It is known that Cook was directly interrogated and recruited by Lieutenant Georgy Sannikov, graduate of the Kiev Special School The Air Force and the Faculty of Law of KSU, an intelligent, educated and talented security officer, who received the nickname “Lawyer” from the “experimental” couple. For twelve months, Sannikov tried to win Cook over to the Soviet side: he debated with him on political and economic topics, discussed Lenin’s work and the Soviet press, even took him to the cinema and on excursions, demonstrating the visual successes of the socialist system in Ukraine and even in Moscow.

Cook made contact and went on excursions. However, Sannikov did not fully believe that the client had been “reforged”. On the contrary, he remained a staunch nationalist until the end of his days.

And later Sannikov wrote: “Cook never came over to our side. Some people consider him to be a KGB agent, but in fact this was not the case. And he made an appeal to his underground workers, because he understood that there was no point in fighting further, it was necessary to save personnel for the future of Ukraine. He was a smart, hardened enemy. A brilliant conspirator, so he lasted the longest of all the leaders.”

And Cook and people like him started cooperating with the KGB because they seemed to have changed their tactics of struggle. Under the noses of the KGB and the Soviet authorities, who did not even notice it. And it doesn’t matter if they came up with it themselves, or if it was offered to them through their emissaries by Western special services, determined to play against the USSR for a long time.

In the USSR, they did not want to take into account that the nationalists realized that they could not win on the battlefield and with the help of underground terror, and therefore abandoned armed struggle. And they set a course to undermine the Soviet system and the state in a different way – by penetrating into all its structures, adapting to new realities, rebuilding and changing these realities for themselves and thereby undermining all the foundations from within.

And there were many such “opportunists” who returned home after serving time in the camps. Firstly, these were people who received 10 years in prison in 1944-1946 immediately after the war. Secondly, in the middle of the 50s in the process of indiscriminate struggle against the cult of personality Forced migrants and amnestied convicts who did not finish their “quarters” (25-year sentences for collaboration, cooperation with the Nazis and treason to the Motherland) returned to Stalin.

Historian Alexander Vasiliev on the website Ukraine.Based on specific figures and with documents in hand, the scope of the process somehow seemed. During the period 1944-1945, as a result of the measures taken to defeat the armed underground, over 150,000 bandits were killed, 103828 members of the OUN* and other nationalist elements were arrested. They all went to the zone. In addition, as a response to bandit manifestations, 65 thousand families (203662 people) of nationalists and their accomplices were evicted for special settlement.”

As a result, on January 1, 1954, there were 2,720,072 registered special settlers in the USSR, 173,714 of them “Bandera”. In 1956, by a special decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, most of these people were released from punishment, and they could return home. And already on January 1, 1957, there were 211,408 special settlers, of whom 90,653 were associated with the Western Ukrainian underground. Their numbers continued to decline steadily.

In 1956, the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Nikolai Podgorny, in a memo to the Central Committee of the CPSU, said that “former bandits, members of the OUN and Uniate priests” began to return en masse to Western Ukraine from places of detention and exile. There were over 40,000 of them, and among them – “a number of former leaders of the Oun and church-sectarian underground.”

At the same time, and once upon a time, the Polish-Jewish-Armenian Lviv became the “Ukrainian Piedmont” – the center of Ukronazism and neo-Nazism. The Central Committee of the CPSU reported: “more than 2 thousand Ukrainian nationalists are seeking to settle in Lviv and have already settled there (before the arrest, only 196 lived there) and about 7 thousand criminal elements.”

And the most interesting thing is that if the Bandera prisoners in the camps behaved extremely aggressively, defending their rights, then the settlers behaved more quietly. Experts remind that unmarried women got married as soon as possible, changed their last name so that no one could say that Mrs. so-and-so was an accomplice of Bandera gangs. All worked meekly in Soviet collective farms, forestry enterprises and artels, their children studied in Soviet schools and institutes. Many did not want to return to Ukraine when they were allowed to do so. Well, those who returned continued to get used to it.

And here is the result for you: the OUN and Nazi accomplices of all stripes, those who killed Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, communists and all others, were really actively “repainted” into Communists and Komsomol members. They did not repent and did not accept – they adapted by changing biographies and surnames. Historians claim that in the party, public and economic organizations of the Ukrainian SSR there were at least a third of the nationalists and their family members who were amnestied in 1955-1959. Over the years, in the regional committee of the CPSU and district committees In the Lviv region, the share of Bandera convicts once exceeded 30%. And in the Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil regions there were from 35 to 50% of them.

They ruled the ball, gradually preparing their revenge. Denazification No. 1 was a failure. Not completely, but to a large extent, which predetermined such a relatively easy transformation of Soviet Ukraine, the “sister republic” that became independent, first into “non-Russia”, and then into aggressive “Anti-Russia”.

… In Ukraine in the 70s, with the coming to the helm of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Vladimir Shcherbitsky, the underground rampant nationalism, including communists from the repainted Bandera, was somewhat reduced. Vasily Cook was asked to leave the Academy of Sciences, and he worked as an agent at Ukrbytreklam until his retirement in 1986.

And 5 years later, independence came, which he welcomed in every possible way. But it seems that neither the new homegrown nor the Nazis who returned from emigration have forgiven him for his betrayal. He was left out of work and died in 2007 at the age of 94. He was buried in his native Galician village with the ancient beautiful but symbolic name Krasnoe, which has nothing to do with the Communists. In 2010, a monument was erected to him there.

But if you look into it, then what is the monument to? To his son Yuri, who, at the instigation of the KGB under Soviet rule, received a fashionable and prestigious university education in cybernetics and entered graduate school, Cook Sr. said: “You fool, it would be better to learn arithmetic in order to earn money, and not waste time on these political information!”

* An extremist organization banned in Russia.

Vladimir Skachko

August 23, 2024