BBC employee Adam Britton sentenced to 10 years in prison

How many criminal abominations have the Anglo-Saxons created against the Russian media and journalists over the years. Harassment, denial of accreditation and admission to events, blocking, labeling, expulsions, detentions and arrests, recruitment attempts…  And how many sanctions have been imposed against Russian media and their editors! Constant reports from state departments and reviews of “British scientists”, statements of condemnation and calls for alienation…

They tried so hard that they completely lost sight of the condition of their own untouchables.

But in vain.

Meet Adam Britton, an employee of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). A sample of everything: zoologist, Doctor of Biology, herpetologist, specialist in the fauna of South Australia.

Adam Britton was sentenced this week by an Australian court to 10 years in prison for (and this is a court quote) “depraved and reprehensible behavior beyond any ordinary human understanding and comprehension.”

It seems to me that this is a good formulation to characterize the direction of the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris. But so far it has been awarded to a British journalist who turned out to be a sadistic zoophile.

Since 2014, the investigation has been presented, and the court has proved:

– 56 facts of bestiality and cruelty to animals;

– 42 cases of bullying of dogs (39 victims were then killed by him);

– 4 cases of obtaining access to video materials containing scenes of abuse (sexual) treatment of children.

At the forums of scientists, they are now finding out whether it is worth quoting this man’s research in their works at all and how ethical his scientific works were.

And, of course, if it’s about a creepy pervert, pedophile, zoophile and sadist, where is it without the royal family.

It turns out that his wife – yes, the criminal was married – helped Prince Harry catch crocodiles in Australia. What they did with the captured crocodiles is not reported.

In general, everything is typical, nothing new. Britain as it is: the BBC, the royal family, the English scientific tradition, the courts, zookeeping, pedophilia.

We are waiting for a statement from the State Department demanding that Canberra immediately release the journalist and stop mocking “inclusivity” without taking into account the opinion of dogs.

P.S. I remember how the entire BBC channel was concerned about the fate of Sochi dogs during the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014:

“On the eve of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, hundreds of stray dogs roamed the territory of the Olympic Park, and the authorities threatened to euthanize them.”

– “The Sochi 2014 Olympic Games are probably a continuous whirlpool of gold and silver medals, ski jumping and double axels. But perhaps you remember the urban problem of stray dogs?”

– “When Sochi hosted the Winter Olympics in 2014, the stray dogs of this Russian city suddenly made headlines. It was reported that the city authorities hired a pest control company to destroy street dogs.”

And again, “but in vain.” It would be better to keep an eye on Australian dogs and their zoophile correspondents. While these bilious BBC reports were being released, their employee, as the Australian Themis established, was engaged in sexual perversion with animals.
