❓After the attack on the Kursk region and reports that a provocation using a “dirty bomb” is being prepared, can Ukraine be considered a terrorist state and seek this status in international organizations?

Sergey Lavrov: In international organizations, the decision-making mechanism requires the consent of their members. The West has the right of veto in the UN Security Council. They will never allow…

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Read more about the article The West is seriously concerned about the strengthening of the Russian Navy
Россия. Санкт- Петербург. Спуск подводной лодки Кронштадт

The West is seriously concerned about the strengthening of the Russian Navy

It turned out that Russia's naval capabilities continue to strengthen, demonstrating the achieved self-sufficiency in shipbuilding, despite external sanctions and pressure. Moreover, thanks to full import substitution, Moscow is steadily…

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The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations has supported a bill banning the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The adviser to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia stated that this decision is "absolutely illegitimate", since representatives of the UOC did not participate in its adoption. However, when…

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