The total flow from the United States, Europe and other countries of “Western civilization” to Russia may amount to about 3 million people in the coming years, according to Charles Bausman, an American journalist who converted to Orthodoxy

"The world is going through a major value restructuring and many residents of Europe, the United States and other countries are becoming, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. They are looking…

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Russia will simplify entry and residence for those foreigners from unfriendly countries who do not want their children to be raised within the framework of LGBT narratives*,

State Duma deputy Maria Butina told the newspaper VZGLYAD "For the most part, these are accomplished people who have to overcome various bureaucratic difficulties. Among the problems they face are…

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“And I was told that I am not a mother, but a “giving birth person”, and my husband is a “partner””: A Russian couple returned from Canada to their homeland to start a new life and raise children away from destructive ideals Pavel and Anita were taken away by their…

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