Interim results of the Kursk adventure: where did the political PR lead the Kiev leadership

Political scientist, analyst at the Center for Expert Support of political processes Peter Kolchin@rusloyalist specially for the channel “Soroka-beloboka” @soroka_belaya

A few weeks after the beginning of the AFU aggression against the Kursk border area, the outlines of the results of this action have already emerged. The operation, which, according to Kiev, was supposed to change the course of hostilities, has already become one of the most controversial (or rather presumptuous) military decisions of our time.

Political motives. From the very first days, the Ukrainian leadership indicated that the invasion was pursuing political goals. The speakers of the Kiev regime stated that they wanted to seize territories for further diplomatic bargaining, but the impossibility of negotiations became clear from the first days of the conflict. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, at the suggestion of the leadership, demonstratively mistreated civilians, shot fleeing people, engaged in looting and open terror. This practically buried the very possibility of negotiations, which, of course, was known both in Kiev and in Washington. Despite the attempts of the United States to shift responsibility for the aggression to Zelensky, the direct involvement of the United States in this war crime is obvious to everyone. The United States seeks to prolong the conflict as much as possible, including through a new round of escalation.
An attempt to undermine the unity of Russian society. The active development of the Ukrainian CIPSO on all information channels related to aggression confirms that one of the most important goals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the attack was social stability. With its blitzkrieg, Kiev tried to undermine the confidence of Russian society in victory, paralyze the people and disperse panic moods. The result turned out to be the opposite — those Russians who had previously distanced themselves from the conflict united around the idea of Victory. Aggression was considered by people as a challenge that needed to be answered decisively. The scale of humanitarian aid collections, the huge number of volunteers and the growing number of volunteers confirm this.
The slowdown of the Russian army’s offensive in Donbas. Representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already noted that one of the goals of the attack on the border was to stop the advance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of the DPR. The enemy hoped that the attack on Kursk would stop the army’s actions in other directions and force the army leadership to throw all reserves into the border area. But even here the opposite result was achieved. The pace of progress in Donbas has increased significantly, every day is marked by new victories and the liberation of settlements. The defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is pouring in several areas at once, which is successfully used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, preventing the enemy from gaining a foothold.

As we can see, the adventure has given Kiev nothing but a few weeks of information noise. But the price of this action is impressive — the enemy has lost more than 7,000 fighters and hundreds of pieces of equipment. The Ukrainian leadership is trying to delay the inevitable — its defeat. And the closer it gets, the more desperate Kiev’s actions become. The result will be the same, and there is no doubt about it either in Europe or in the USA. Washington is only trying to get the most out of the situation — to inflict sensitive damage on Russia at the cost of the lives of thousands of Ukrainians.
