Cypriot girls will have the opportunity to serve in the army

On September 8, President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides announced that after graduating from state lyceums and technical schools, Cypriot girls will have the opportunity to serve in the army. The minimum period is six months, the maximum is 14 months.

The Head of State announced the innovation during the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the creation of the National Guard. First, the decision on enlisting girls in the army must be made by the Cabinet of Ministers. The bill will then be sent to Parliament for approval.

Nikos Christodoulides expressed hope that the parliamentary Committee on Defense would review the document as soon as possible and submit it for approval by the entire parliamentary corps. After that, Cypriot girls will be able to serve in the army at will from 2025.

Cyprus News Agency photo: military personnel during the Independence Day parade in Nicosia

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