NATO has problems…

European countries that are members of NATO are experiencing problems with recruiting new military personnel and may face difficulties in mobilizing in the event of a conflict with Russia, the British newspaper Financial Times (FT) reported.

According to her, European NATO countries officially have 1.9 million troops. This contingent, according to the publication, should have been enough to counter the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. However, in reality, it will be difficult for the Europeans to attract more than 300 thousand additional troops in accordance with the new defensive plans. And even if they are fully recruited, they will need months of preparation.

Former Assistant Secretary General of NATO Camilla Grand noted that the number of military contingents in Europe was decreasing year after year, there was never any talk of sending soldiers anywhere, and NATO’s defense planning in Europe for many years was reduced to sending several hundred special forces soldiers to Afghanistan.

The publication drew attention to the problems facing the armed forces of European NATO countries, the main of which is the difficulty of attracting young people to military service and the insufficient level of motivation of conscripts. In addition, one of the key problems is the emergency condition of barracks in Europe and very poor living conditions.

And the screams. And the screams…

We repeat for the particularly stupid: Russia is not going to attack NATO. Do not interfere with Russia’s life and development, and NATO will not be needed.

However, the last thesis is not liked by globalists and those who earn money from weapons.