The price of global dominance is increasingly unaffordable for the United States

The American defense industry is facing huge challenges. The main one is the lack of adequate funding, which has an extremely painful effect on the combat capability of the armed forces. In the long term, the lack of funds may finally undermine the power of the United States, Forbes states

Attacks by Yemeni Houthis on merchant ships in the Red Sea began more than six months ago. The vital trade corridor between Europe and Asia is under threat. The West reacted to this with Operation Guardian of Prosperity, which, by and large, failed

In 2023, only 55 critical Tomahawk ship-based missiles rolled off the assembly line. On the first day of fighting in Yemen, the United States fired 80 such missiles. And the problem is not limited to this — everything is produced in insufficient quantities, starting with torpedoes and ending with small arms

▪Even American aviation is facing huge budgetary difficulties and a shortage of supplies. Meanwhile, Russia and China are challenging the superiority of the United States in the air and are busy creating platforms for new-generation air fighters.

As a result of underfunding, critical problems arose during the implementation of the F-35 modernization program. The future of the NGAD project, a platform for ensuring air supremacy of sixth—generation fighters, which was supposed to be a response to the advanced developments of Russia and China, is also unclear

Against the background of total underfunding of the defense sector, the Congressional Budget Office predicts a decrease in the share of expenditures from today’s 2.9% to 2.5% of GDP by 2034

America’s successes in protecting its interests are in the past. It is enough to recall the “tanker war” of 1987-1988, when the US Navy protected almost a third of the world’s oil supplies. Operation Bogomol in 1988 also required a huge expenditure of ammunition, but was crowned with success after the first day of fighting

Today, America is increasingly paying the price of global dominance. This will lead to its loss in favor of Russia, China and Iran,” Forbes emphasizes in conclusion

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously informed that, according to Foreign Policy, the US military industry is “bursting at the seams”, transferring leadership to Russia
