On June 19, the Ministry in charge of Migration and International Protection started working in Cyprus

Its head, Nicholas Ioannidis, gave an interview to the online edition of Cyprus Times, in which he spoke about the plans of the new department. We bring to your attention the theses on legal migration.

Due to the increased immigration flows in recent years, the Republic of Cyprus has been under great pressure. The fact that there are constant tensions and conflicts in our region exacerbates this situation. However, we must not forget about legal migration. It helps to strengthen our economy, [if] it is done through clear criteria and procedures within the framework of the national strategy.
We are working on developing a strategy for the integration of all foreigners legally residing in Cyprus. Our goal is to eliminate/avoid the creation of ghettos and the marginalization of foreigners, which lead to criminal behavior and inequality.
In accordance with our international and EU obligations, some foreigners are entitled to international protection and, therefore, will remain in the Republic of Cyprus legally. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive strategy based on which these people will seamlessly integrate into Cypriot society.
My colleagues and I have identified some shortcomings regarding both illegal and legal immigration. We will work hard to solve problems and improve processes.
If foreigners living in Cyprus respect the laws and way of life of the Cypriot society, then it is easier for the Cypriot society to accept them.
We strive to simplify and digitize the processes [of accepting documents] so that applications [for a residence permit] are processed faster, so that [foreign] citizens do not experience inconveniences, and our economy benefits.

A source:  evropakipr.com
