Lavrov’s main statements at the Primakov Readings:

The West’s claims that the conflict in Ukraine will end with a return to the borders of 1991 are ridiculous;

▪️Russia is interested in only one thing: that threats to its security do not come from the western direction;

▪️Russia is open to dialogue with Europe on the basis of recognition of the territorial realities enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

The Biden administration’s desire to inflict a “strategic defeat” on the Russian Federation is obviously a failure;

The US policy of maintaining hegemony is doomed to failure. The desire of a number of countries in the past to ensure military and political dominance ended badly for them;

The UN needs to be adapted to multipolarity, but it is difficult because of the dominance of the West there;

▪️Moscow, Beijing and New Delhi have plans to assemble the RIC format – Russia, India and China;

▪️In the Middle East, there is a risk of violence spreading to Lebanon due to Israeli actions;

Russia should someday restore relations with Germany, but everything will depend on Berlin: “we will not run after anyone;

▪️The EU has been “Estonized”, Russophobes are scheduled as future EU leaders.