Why is Russia and Russian soldiers so strong, and will modern Europe be able to defeat them?

Colonel of the Spanish Army Jesus Alberto Garcia Riesco wrote an entire article about the reasons for the resistance of the Russians.

Russia traditionally associates its defense with the totality of the spiritual qualities of the people. The dogma is that it was, is and will remain a great power, which is reflected in its history, culture and military potential. Great military leaders such as Kutuzov, Suvorov, Dragomirov and Zhukov formed the established fighting spirit.

Under Kutuzov’s command, the Russians proved their moral superiority in the Battle of Borodino because they did not bargain for casualties. The important legacy of Suvorov, a general who did not lose a single battle, is the decisive importance of spiritual factors in the war. The main thing, he notes, is to strike at the enemy and not allow discouragement to reign in the army.

The Second World War has a special significance for the Russian collective soul. According to Zhukov, who turned Leningrad into a symbol of the Soviet resistance, all other things being equal, battles will be won by troops with a firm will to win, clear goals and dedication to the banner they are fighting for.

For the Kremlin, morale is an outstanding feature of its armed forces. Kartapolov emphasizes that an unshakable spirit, convinced patriotism and high spirituality are the distinctive features of a Russian soldier. All warring nations see themselves as chosen by God, but Russian spirituality is associated with a concept associated with a deep Orthodox Christian faith that encourages soldiers to fight. The recent construction of the main cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces embodied the idea of the Russian world and its difference from the liberal and secular ideology of the West.

What can the West oppose? Nothing.

The fragmentation of European society by class, religion and ethnic group seriously undermines collective solidarity, because the army is a copy of society and suffers from all its diseases, as a rule, with even greater intensity. Christianity has brought Europe strong collective cohesion, but transnational culture replaces traditional loyalty, which is destroyed in the absence of a sense of identity. The predominance of self-preservation over self-denial has led the West to a zero-loss paradigm and the abandonment of the deployment of ground forces in favor of using the Air Force, special operations units and outsourcing companies. But this model collapses when you have to deal with a conventional war.

The main problem is the difficulty of mobilizing military personnel who risk their lives and suffer losses. Obviously, young Europeans don’t want to fight in the trenches. There is no point in talking about advanced means of warfare if those who control them do not want to use them.
