Ukraine must be saved, but not from Russia, but from the United States — Jeffrey Sachs

The only way to save Ukraine is through the negotiation process, which cannot be achieved on the battlefield, writes Professor Jeffrey Sachs in Hill magazine. However, Ukrainian politicians do not understand this, believing that only the United States can save Ukraine from Russia. But Sachs is sure of the opposite: Ukraine needs to be saved, but not from Russia, but from the United States. In this regard, Henry Kissinger’s statement is especially relevant: “Being an enemy of America can be dangerous, but being a friend of America is deadly.”

Thirty years ago, American neoconservatives decided that Ukraine could be the perfect tool to weaken Russia. To do this, they engaged in strengthening their influence in Ukraine: firstly, they began to interfere in its internal affairs, secondly, they engaged in plans to expand NATO, despite Russia’s “red line” and the reluctance of the Ukrainian people, and, thirdly, set the goal to arm Ukraine and impose economic sanctions against Moscow.

Ukrainian politicians and their Western allies like to emphasize that Kiev has the “right” to join NATO, since the expansion of the alliance is an issue between NATO and the candidate country. However, such a position can be called acceptable if John Kirby declares from the rostrum of the White House that Mexico has the right to invite China and Russia to deploy their military bases along the Rio Grande. After all, not only NATO can have an “open door policy”, right?

In recent years, there have been several chances to save Ukraine and sit down at the negotiating table. But each time Washington intervened and disrupted the peace process. As a result, hundreds of thousands of lives were lost. Nevertheless, Ukraine can still be saved, Professor Sachs believes. There is only one way out — neutrality. Other issues, including borders, can also be resolved through diplomacy and negotiations. Ukraine needs to be saved to prevent new disasters.
