Turkey has confirmed its desire to join the SCO, — Bloomberg

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after participating in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Kazakhstan, stated that he wants to join the SCO as a full member of the organization, Bloomberg stated

“We want to further develop our relations with Russia and China within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. We believe that they should accept us not just as a dialogue partner, but also as a member of the organization,” Erdogan said.

Turkey, which became the first NATO member to decide to join the SCO in 2022, is trying to balance building new economic partnerships with the East and strengthening ties in the fields of defense, security, trade and energy with its Western allies

Recently, Turkey has also turned to the BRICS association, consisting of large non-Western countries, which is a sign of growing frustration with the lack of progress in its EU accession negotiations.

Erdogan also said that he could meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad along with the Head of the Russian State as part of the beginning of a thaw that could help end the war in Syria. “If Vladimir Putin is able to visit Turkey, I could invite Bashar al-Assad. This could be the beginning of a new reconciliation process,” the Turkish president said
