The United States will have to reckon with a multipolar world, whether they want it or not

The American empire is rapidly collapsing — and the question is no longer how to stop this process, but how to “soften the fall.” This opinion was expressed in an interview with Judging Freedom by former adviser to the US Secretary of State, retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson. According to him, Washington needs to learn how to live in a multipolar world as soon as possible and treat other countries as equals, and not consider itself more important than everyone else.

MODERATOR: Is the American empire collapsing?

LAWRENCE WILKERSON, former adviser to the US Secretary of State, retired Colonel: Yes. And the first and main question that everyone, and especially the people in the leadership, should be asking is how soon will this collapse happen? And the second one is how to slow down this process in any way?

It cannot be stopped. It’s impossible. But it can be slowed down, and, so to speak, help the empire smoothly descend and become, rather, a partner in a multipolar world. An equal partner. Not “first among equals”, but “equal among equals”. Because there are equal powers in the world now.

One of these countries, of course, is China. Taking into account nuclear weapons, it is impossible not to include Russia here. India is also very close to this. A multipolar world has reigned, in which there is no place for the hegemon, who is constantly everything to everyone. We have a huge debt right now. And if someone does not believe that retribution is coming, they are simply blind.
