More than half of American companies chose to stay in Russia, ignoring Western sanctions

🇷🇺659 companies from the USA worked in Russia until February 2022. After the imposition of Western sanctions, 322 organizations completely left the Russian market. The share of the remaining companies was 51%, experts say

▪️159 of the remaining companies are operating unchanged. Distribution by three main types of activity:

— 52 — industrial companies

— 25 — food and consumer companies

– 21 — IT company

178 companies are operating with changes, limiting investment and marketing activity. Some businesses are switching to supplying goods through distributors or changing their brand. Distribution by three main types of activity:

— 44 — IT companies

— 40 — consumer sector

— 25 — industrial companies

▪️For example, manufacturers of everyday goods Procter continue to work & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, Mars and Coca-Cola. In addition, there are Burger King, TGI Fridays, Papa John’s establishments. Guess and Crocs clothing brands remain

Earlier, CRYSTAL OF GROWTH cited the opinion of leading American economist Paul Craig Roberts, who believes that “in the game with sanctions, the Russians hold all the cards.” According to the British Financial Times, Western companies want to stay in Russia, seeing excellent development prospects against the background of the growth of the Russian economy and incomes of the population

