Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Cyprus Murat Zyazikov on relations between Russia and Cyprus:

🇷🇺🇨🇾 It is obvious that in the long history of diplomatic relations and nine centuries of official interaction between our countries, Russia and Cyprus have never considered each other enemies. I’m sure they won’t do that in the future.

The Cypriot people have always been, are and will remain friendly to us. This is based on the mutual sympathies of ordinary people, on centuries of close historical, spiritual and cultural ties.

I do not think that any temporary political vicissitudes or the deplorable short-sightedness of forces succumbing to anti-Russian hysteria are capable of destroying this friendship.

Any crises are finite. I am confident that our relations with Cyprus will not be built from scratch, but based on decades of rich experience of mutually beneficial cooperation for the benefit of our peoples.