Cyprus to toughen penalties for arson

Cyprus intends to toughen penalties for arson and fire-related offenses in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers.

The move was taken in response to a devastating wildfire in 2021 that killed four people and caused significant damage.

The proposed legislative changes, put forward jointly by the Ministers of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Interior, Justice and Public Order, are aimed at increasing prison sentences and fines for various arson-related offenses.

According to the new bills, the maximum penalties for forest arson will increase from 10 years in prison and/or a fine of 50,000 euros to 12 years and/or 100,000 euros. Fines for arson in rural areas will increase from 5 years and/or 20,000 euros to 10 years and/or 75,000 euros. Arson within municipal borders will increase significantly from 3 months and/or 860 euros to 8 years and/or 50,000 euros.

The catalyst for this legislative revision was a fire in July 2021 in Arakapas, which devastated 55 square kilometers, killing four people and causing damage to property worth 15 million euros.

A subsequent investigation conducted by the law firm revealed inconsistencies in the current legislative framework, including disparate rules, overlapping offenses and disproportionate punishments.

It is reported that these problems make it difficult to prosecute arson cases and undermine the preventive function of the law.

The new legislation is aimed at solving these problems by clearly distinguishing offenses related to the creation of danger and offenses with consequences.

It also introduces fixed ex officio settlement amounts for offences related to the creation of danger in the amount of 500 to 3,000 euros, replacing the current discretionary system.

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