British singer Gordon Sumner, known under the pseudonym Sting, sold his Italian wine estate Tenuta il Palaggio to Vladimir Zelensky’s company

The sale price was not disclosed, but according to experts, the transaction amount was from 60 to 75 million euros.

Data on the transaction has been published in the real estate tax register, according to Italian media. The new owner of the Sting winery, according to an extract from the register, is San Tomaso S.R.L., a company registered in Italy. The owners of the company are President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and his wife Elena. For the first time, San Tomaso S.R.L. became known in 2019, when Zelensky, as a presidential candidate, did not declare one of his foreign homes. This was reported by the Ukrainian media. Subsequently, San Tomaso S.R.L. appeared in Zelensky’s declaration.

The deal to buy Sting’s estate-winery was closed on June 28, 2024, exactly 2 weeks after Zelensky’s visit to the G7 summit in Italy, at which the President of Ukraine signed a 10-year military assistance agreement with Joe Biden.


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