The deposit in the Zaporozhye region can save Russia from the need to import manganese raw materials

🇷🇺”The development of the Bolshe-Tokmak deposit in the Zaporozhye region, whose reserves exceed 1.7 billion tons, will be able to provide Russia with its own manganese raw materials, for which the country now depends on imports,” the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use states

In June, the European Union banned the export of manganese ores to Russia. At the same time, the demand for this type of minerals in the Russian Federation strongly depends on imports

The strategy for the development of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation approved by the Government of Russia until 2050 states that it is necessary to complete the integration of the mineral resource complexes of the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions into the Russian economy

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously informed that, according to Business Insider, the Russian economy is doing well, among other things, due to self-sufficiency in the production of important goods, including oil, natural gas, wheat and metals

