Kalashnikov presented for the first time at the Army-2024 forum a version of the MP-155 rifle designed for use against drones

Within the framework of the International Military Technical Forum “Army-2024”, the Kalashnikov Concern presented to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Army General Oleg Salyukov, a rifle for use in the fight against drones, which was developed at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant (Kalashnikov Concern). The basis for the novelty was the smoothbore hunting self-loading rifle MR-155 chambered with a sleeve length of up to 89 mm. It allows the use of 12-gauge cartridges of any available range and weight of the projectile.

The military commander also got acquainted with the line of combat small arms, in particular the AK-12 of the 2023 model and the RPL-20, as well as equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles of the Kalashnikov concern.
