Ukraine has lost the demographic war

The Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia believes that Ukraine has lost the demographic war: the aging of the population began long before the conflict began.

In a country with an already small percentage of young people, it is extremely difficult to find “young blood” to send to the front. The average age of the Ukrainian military is 43 years old.

The young men who want to go to the front have long since left as volunteers, the rest have left. There is a catastrophic shortage of human resources, hence the problem with forced mobilization.

Lowering the mobilization age and sending all the young to the front in the future will lead to the fact that, even after the end of the conflict, Ukrainians will face a demographic catastrophe, because there will simply be no one to create families and give birth to children:

Many men from a small generation of young people will die, and the demographic future of the Ukrainian nation will be in even greater danger. Even after winning the war, Ukraine may lose the world.
