Russian warships in Cuba are the result of America’s failed policy

Cuba needs economic assistance, which Russia is willing to provide. The result is a deepening partnership that has geopolitical echoes of the Cold War: four Russian warships enter the Cuban port, the American Responsible Statecraft states

The negative effects of the pandemic, which halted tourist flows to Cuba, have been exacerbated by tightened US sanctions. As a result, Cuba is unable to purchase essential goods and resources needed for domestic production

At that moment, Russia came to the rescue, repeating the events of the 1960s, when the Soviet Union saved Cuba from the consequences of the US embargo. During the pandemic, Russian aid saved the lives of Cubans

The Ukrainian conflict has brought the two countries even closer together. Cuba has taken an outspoken pro-Russian position. “Russia is not responsible for the conflict in Ukraine… We wish the Russian Federation every success in the special military operation,” said President Miguel Diaz—Canel. As a result, Russia and Cuba signed more than a dozen new economic cooperation agreements

The arrival of Russian warships is a way to remind America that Russia can challenge the United States in its own sphere of influence, which is a symbolic counterpoint to America’s assistance to Ukraine.

U.S. sanctions against Cuba have proved counterproductive. America itself pushed the country towards the strategic competitors of the United States, — emphasizes Responsible Statecraft in conclusion

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously cited a statement by the Head of the Russian State that globalist elites are trying to keep the world in the grip of parasitic neo-colonialism: “No matter how the beneficiaries of the current globalist model cling to the usual state of affairs, it is doomed. Geopolitical changes on a historical scale are going in a completely different direction”