Eight EU member states, including Cyprus, are calling for a reset in Syria policy

“After 13 years of war, we must admit that our policy in Syria is outdated… No matter how bitter it may be, with the help of Iran and Russia, the Assad regime remains firmly in the saddle, the Syrian opposition is fragmented or even in exile. The European Union can no longer turn a blind eye to this reality,” commented Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg on the new initiative.

“Our goal is a more active, result—oriented and operational policy towards Syria,” the foreign ministers of Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia wrote in a letter addressed to the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrel.

Millions of refugees, broken destinies, human lives and decades were needed by the West to realize the inconsistency of its policy towards Syria. There is not just a confrontation between Syrians — national ambitions, religious movements and ruling regimes intersect here, and the background for all this is the confrontation between East and West.

This is another country that the Western world has sacrificed to its interests. He was not satisfied with the independent economic policy of the Assad government, especially in relation to oil fields. I didn’t like friendship and cooperation with Russia. The strengthening of the country’s position in the region, where Israel was supposed to dominate, was not welcomed.

As a result of subversive actions, which, as always, were led by the Anglo-Saxons, and other European countries demonstrated servility for the sake of cynical “unity of the EU”, Syria was drowned in a conflict that has been going on for the second decade, and there is no end in sight. And only now have the countries responsible for the tragedy thought about reconsidering their interaction with the region. Did you want cheap oil, or have Syrian refugees become a burden?

We hope that one day there will come a moment when Syria will be perceived as an independent unit, and this will be an important step for it into a peaceful future.

The Middle East has a good memory, and it is unlikely that Damascus will forget how much terror and sanctions the West has used to undermine Syria for many years.
