The Turkish TVNET channel has released an analytical material claiming that Cyprus has become a strategic base for Mossad operations, which has caused increased tensions in the region

The report says that Southern Cyprus, influenced by “hatred of Turkey,” has become a key element in Israel’s strategic plan to strengthen its position in the Eastern Mediterranean. According to her, Israel’s creation of a “military command” base in Cyprus is aimed at countering Turkey and ensuring access to the region’s energy resources.

The report also quotes the words of the adviser to the leader of the Turkish Cypriots, Ersin Tatar, who claims that the cooperation of Southern Cyprus with Israel is aimed at obtaining military support in the event of a conflict with Turkey. In addition, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan noted that after the start of Israeli operations in October, the southern part of Cyprus began to be used for military operations against the Gaza Strip.

This report is part of a campaign by Turkey and its allies aimed at discrediting the Republic of Cyprus in the international arena. The Cypriot authorities, in turn, view these statements as an attempt to create a false impression of the country’s role in the current conflict.

Cyprus demands the close attention of the international community to this situation, given the growing wave of disinformation and propaganda from Turkey.

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